Halloween in Kawashima, Nobeoka Mai, the teacher of the day... Miyuki Chi Chiyo Okubo Ms.
Yoshioka Minna Isshou!
Janai? Nobeoka Sand Homeward Bound to Nobeoka I hope these notes on Nobeoka and Japan don't
offend anyone.
Kerry was here! Did you get a chance to talk to him? Howard's Other Homepages These pictures
were taken by
Shigetoshi. Ichimiya. This used to be where the Marusei Bookstore building was, but not anymore.
Right On is a
clothing chain store. I don't think it has much of a chance to stay open in Nobeoka. View
from the third floor of the old
Peare, Nobeoka...2004 Howard in front of Max Value, Nobeoka. Hyuga City has pretty manholes.
Are you looking for
an English teacher? I went to the Nobeoka firework show on my Honda Cub. It was easy to find
a parking space. How
nice it would be to be a junior high school student once again. Keiko Ahner teaches English
at Peare and Midorigaoka
Elementary. This what I remember about arriving in Nobeoka the first time. Nobeoka Bust I
thought I might like to move
to Urashiro, but my wife let me know that it was out of the question. I could be proud living
in this house. Well, I picked
them out of the Igai River, and I raised them from babies. I don't know which makes me feel
better, a walk in the
mountains or a long walk on a beach. I didn't draw these. I want to be clear about that. Sometimes
I ride my Honda Cub
through the mountains without wearing a helmet. Some people might call me a lucky man. "Attention!
You are now
entering civilization. Put on your gas mask, please." The Fire Dept. Says, "No fires anywhere
in Japan." But, it's really
on a case by case basis. I hope we don't have a fire in the Kami Igata neighborhood. When
are the economic
conditions of Nobeoka going to improve? How would you like to have smoke roll into your bedroom
every morning and
evening? This is a wonderful statue in Kadogawa. This statue is looking out over the Kadogawa
Bay. Who is he? Have
you seen "Stonehenge" in Kami Igata?